I am Bianca, a freelance journalist and author, creating high-level content in German and English for websites and magazines. I am a trained editor and have a doctorate in American cultural studies.
As a travel writer, I concentrate on adventure and outdoor travel with an emphasis on wildlife encounters. Travel writing allows me to share the beauty of our planet and inspire people to appreciate nature. I feel a responsibility to increase awareness about the wonders and fragility of our environment. As someone who loves the ocean and enjoys freediving, I am particularly passionate about marine life and its protection.
My work has been published in FOOD and Travel, SCUBA Magazine, reisenExclusiv, Reise und Preise, Globetrotter, KANU, Tauchen, Trekking, 360 Kanada, 360 Neuseeland, Unterwegs.
Aside from travel, I have specialized in writing about dogs and their well-being. For years, I have written about nutrition trends, behavior, and animal welfare issues such as cruel breeding and puppy trade.
The best thing about being a journalist is to keep on learning. In the past, I have written about fitness trends, mental health, and wellbeing topics for SPIEGEL, FIT FOR FUN, Active Life or, DAK.